Tuesday 14 April 2020

Love is forever, From Hearts, in Hearts, By Hearts, Relation made Through Blood, Relation moves in Blood, If no oxygen given by heart to blood..... Relation dies.

Monday 6 April 2020

It was told that Religion is an Opium Still We follow it We give preference to our Religion over our 'Dharma' Because since childhood we are used to it In childhood virtually it was imposed,when no consciousness was there. There should be freedom to choose Religion according to individual's urge of his/her 'Dharma' after attaining consciousness say at the age of 21. Suitable amendment to be made in constitution that no religion by birth it is only after attaining the age of 21.#
अपने अपने जहां में बसे

अपनी अपनी ज़मीन पर खड़े

अपना फलक सजाये

वज़ूद  की तलाश मे सफर किये

ताउम्र इस एहसास मे सज़दा किये

कि ये वो मंज़िल तो नही

कि जहा सफर खत्म हो...

आरजुएं मिटे और रूह का क़र्ज़ अदा हो

तेरे जहां मे वो जहां कहां ढूंढे

कि कर्ज़दार खुदी के फलक पर मुकम्मल हो।
Rajiv jinraj